LPS 1224 Požiadavky

1. Všeobecné požiadavky

Selectamark holds third party certification to BS EN ISO 9001:2000 and is registered with the Information Commissioner's Office in accordance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998. 

2. Manažment bezpečnosti informácii

Selectamark has established and maintains a documented information security management system.

Hodnotenie rizík

Selectamark has identified an appropriate risk assessment methodology and developed criteria for reviewing and identifying acceptable levels of risk and measures to control risk.

Systém managementu bezpečnosti informácií dokumentácie

Selectamark has established and maintains documentation supporting the management of the secure asset register in accordance with LPS1224 and BS EN ISO 9001:2000.

Riadenie dokumentov

Selectamark controls documents required by the information security management system in accordance with a defined set of procedures that comply with the requirements of clause 4.2.3 of BS EN ISO 9001:2000

Uchovávanie záznamu

Selectamark maintains records in accordance with procedures that comply with the requirements of clause 4.2.4 of BS EN ISO 9001:2000

Zodpovednosť vedenia

Selectamark's management is commited to running an effective information security management system which includes defining roles and responsibilities, providing adequate resources, ensuring regular internal audits are carried out and conducting reviews of the system at least once every year.

Riadenie zdrojov

Selectamark shall ensure there is sufficient resources to a) operate the secure asset register in accordance with the reuqirements of LPS1224 and b) maintain the service levels stated in accordance with clause 3.2.16 

Protokoly udalostí

Selectamark logs operations and events to support detection of potential breaches in information security. 

Reakcie na incidenty

Selectamark has established and maintains a system for identifying, reporting, investigating and responding to a) unauthorised activity b) security incidents and c) faults. 

Interné audity

Selectamark has defined and implemented procedures for conducting internal audits, recording the results of audits and maintaining records of the audits.

Nápravné a preventívne opatrenia

Selectamark has defined and implemented document procedures for implementing corrective actions to eliminate the cause of existing or previous non-conformities.


Selectamark makes regular and frequent back-ups of all information, and these are encrypted to prevent unauthorised use. Back-up copies are stored at multiple secure locations and tested regularly. 

Kontinuita obchodu

Selectamark has implemented a business continuity procedure to ensure that a) it can operate the secure asset register within 24 hours of a major event/incident that affects the provision of the secure asset registration service occuring and b) minor events/incidents do not undermine its conformity with the service level defined in accordance with clause The continuity plan is tested and reviewed on a regular basis. 


Selectamark, úroveň služieb je stanovená sem

3. Zdroje


Personnel are made aware of the relevance and importance of information security activities. Prior to being given access to the secure asset register, all staff are subjected to security vetting in accordance with BS 7858:2006 Security screening of individuals employed in a security environment - Code of practice. Only authorised personnel have access to information held on the secure asset register. 

Zmluva o mlčanlivosti

All employees and contractors which have access to the secure information have signed confidentiality agreements.

Outsorcované služby

Outsourced services are managed in accordance with the requirements of this standard and ISO 9001:2000 

Ochrana elektronických informácií

Access to secure information held electronically is restricted to personnel with appropriate access privileges, in accordance with clause 

4. Prístup k zabezpečeným informáciam

Podmienky výmeny informácií

Selectamark has implemented a policy for exchange of secure information. This covers third parties: 

  • registrovanie majetku v Registri označeného majetku
  • hľadanie majetku v Registri
  • hlásenie majetku ako ukradnutý
  • hlásenie majetku ako nájdený
  • prevod vlastníctva alebo iná aktualizácia informácií o majetku
Pre ďalšie informácie kliknite na odkaz sem